Preschool & AK

Program Schedule
This is the very First day of the program. This will be focusing on making sure everyone got their shirts, and are starting to break out into correct assigned groups.
10:00 - 1100am: Shirt pick up
11:00am - 11:45am: Preschool Practice
The coaches will decide the schedule week over week, they have been given a guide with games and skills to work on developing with the children. This guide will be used week over week.
Note: A water break will be taken after each activity.
Week 2 of the program. This week, we will continue to work on warm ups, and basic drills for the kids.
11:00am - 11:45am: Preschool Practice
The coaches will decide the schedule week over week, they have been given a guide with games and skills to work on developing with the children. This guide will be used week over week.
Note: A water break will be taken after each activity.
Week 3 of the program. This week, we will continue to work on warm ups, and basic drills for the kids.
11:00am - 11:45am: Preschool Practice
The coaches will decide the schedule week over week, they have been given a guide with games and skills to work on developing with the children. This guide will be used week over week.
Note: A water break will be taken after each activity.
Week 4 of the program will contain a 30 minute scrimmage. This scrimmage will be played by teams. Each team will have an A team and B team. These teams are made up so that they are as fair as possible with age variations, and gender.
11:00am - 11:15am: Preschool Practice
11:15am - 11:30am: Children listed in Group A will play in their scrimmage (Group B will rest while their team plays)
11:30am - 11:45am:: Children listed in Group B will play in their scrimmage (Group A will rest while their team plays)
Below is a list of the teams that will scrimmage each other.​
Orange vs Green
Red vs Gray
Royal vs Gold
Note: A water break will be taken after each activity.
Week 5 (The Final Week Of Soccer) will contain a 30 minute scrimmage. This scrimmage will be played by teams. Each team will have an A team and B team. These teams are made up so that they are as fair as possible with age variations, and gender.
11:00am - 11:15am: Preschool Practice
11:15am - 11:30am: Children listed in Group A will play in their scrimmage (Group B will rest while their team plays)
11:30am - 11:45am:: Children listed in Group B will play in their scrimmage (Group A will rest while their team plays)
Below is a list of the teams that will scrimmage each other.
Orange vs Red
Green vs Gold
Royal vs Gray
Note: A water break will be taken after each activity.
Activity Details/Explanations
Dribbling: Walk your pet
This will consist of the coaches telling the players to walk their pet (which is drilling the ball slowly around the practice area.) The coach will then yell "OH NO, My dog got loose" and the players will then kick the ball as hard as they can and chase it. The player will need to be quick getting their "pet" or the dog catchers (the coaches) will get their pet! Once the player have their ball again, the coach will tell the players to "walk their pet" again. - This will be repeated several times.
Dribbling and Kicking: Race each other and Score a goal
This will consist of the players racing from one end of the field to the other end of the field. (It is key to make sure players are told how fast they are and to see if they can run faster in the next race.) Will be repeated 3 times.
Kicking: How to kick the ball
This is used to teach the kids the best way to kick a ball and what part of the foot to use (laces and not the toes). The play will kick the ball (as shown by the coach) and try to knock the ball off of a cone. (We will play this in the form of battle ship. They will say - "Ready? Aim. FIRE.") and each child will get a point every time they knock the ball off the cone.
They will be taught they they do not have to kick the ball very hard, and we will focus more so on kicking the ball straight using laces and not toes. We will explain to them that the laces part of the shoe is flat, and the toe is rounded, so you have a better chance of kicking the ball straight with the laces rather then the toe.
Dribbling and stopping
Each player will dribble the ball from one end of the field to the other end of the field and will stop at the line. (They will be taught how to stop the ball with the bottom of their foot and not their hands.) The first time they will go slow and then their coach will encourage them to get faster each time (3 times) - then they will race at the end (The forth time.)
Dribbling and stopping: Red Light, Green Light
Each player will dribble the ball from one end of the field to the other end of the field and will stop at the line. When the coach says GREEN LIGHT they will go, and they still practice stopping their ball when the coach says RED LIGHT. The first round will be slower paced, to get them use to playing, but will get faster each round (there will be 4 rounds.)
Awareness, Running, Dribbling, Scoring, Game: Ball Hunt
This game will consist of each of the players balls being scattered at the end of the field. The players will then have to go line up along the end line of the opposite end of the balls. When the coach yells GO each player will run over to find their ball and dribble it back to its home (The goal).
Dribbling/Control: Red Light, Green Light
With this game, the objective is to get the ball into the goal this time! The coach will line each player up, and say GO. When they say GO each player will start dribbling the ball to towards their goal. When the coach says STOP they will stop and wait for GO to be called again. The end goal is to have each player make their ball into the goal at least 1 time!
Awareness/Dribbling: Wrong Way Game
This game will consist of each player lining up on one end of the field. When the coach says GO they will start dribbling their ball towards their goal - But before they score, the coach says WRONG WAY and teaches them how to turn around and go back toward the other goal. They will be told wrong way about 3 or 4 times, and then they will be told to score. This will be repeated one more time after they score.
Kicking: In a row
This will consist of each child lining up in a row. There will be two rows facing each other. The players will then practice kicking the ball back and forth to each other. The goal of this is to teach the player how to kick the ball to their team mates and focuses on sharing.
During week 2 and 3 there will be a 10 minute "scrimmage" at the end of each practice. This will consist of each group splitting their group in half and "scrimmaging" their team mates. The goal of this is more to teach the kids what to do when playing against another team.
Week 4 - Each team will have a regular practice and then will have a 20 minute scrimmage against another group. (This will be each player on the field, so it will be a lot of kids on the field at once - but it will teach them to play in a game like setting.)
General Info
Age: Preschool & AK
Note: Heading the ball is not allowed
Ball Size: 3
Goal Size: Pop up goals will be used
All practices will be held at: Van Horne Rec Complex (300 10th St. Van Horne 52346)
Uniform: Soccer cleats are recommended (Not required). Please ensure there is no front spike for safety purposes. Please have your child wear the BYSA shirt that was included with registration. There is no requirement for shorts/pants. Shin guards are optional.
Playing time and duration: Each practice will be 45 minutes long - one day a week (Saturdays at 11am)