Spring 2025
Divisions will be: 3 yr pre - AK, K-1, 2-3, 4-5 & 6,7 & 8
Games will be played on March 29th, April 5th, 12th, 26th and May 3rd.
Note: There will be NO games the weekend of Easter.
There will not be a mini camp before the season this Spring.
Registration is OPEN! Registration for K - 8th will be a 50% discount which is 10.00 until February 22nd, after this time the registration will go back to the full registration price, which is $20.00 until February 28th when registration CLOSES. Please note - Uniforms and apparel are not included in the registration price, and must be purchased separately.
Preschool age sign-ups are always 15.00 per season - T-shirt is included with registration.
Important Notes
If you elect to help coach a team, registration for your children are FREE.
BYSA Apparel will be available for purchase, pick up date will be determined at a later date and will be picked up by the concession stands during the first week of games.​
Games will be played in Van Horne at the Rec Facility.